Thursday, May 28, 2009

Thought of the week

You know the classic “Nobody can eat just one” potato-chip ads? For some women, when it comes to chips or cookies or, say, even nuts, that is the absolute truth. “I see my clients struggle with this all the time—there are one or two foods that they really can’t control the portion size of, no matter how good their intentions are or how strong their motivation,” says Beller. “For some of my clients, it’s peanut butter or nuts. For others, it’s ice cream or chocolate. I never want to suggest cutting out foods altogether—let alone something you really love. But if you have a food that you know you’ll just endlessly eat, it might be a good idea to skip it for now, even if it is a healthy food.” It sounds scary to go without a favorite food for any period of time, but the fact is, the craving usually fades after two weeks, says Beller. And by then, you’ll be feeling so great about all your progress; you’ll have excellent motivation to keep going! “Once you feel like you’ve got the whole eating-healthy thing down and your weight loss is on track, then try adding it back in again. Trust me, avoiding your personal trigger foods is easier than trying to fight them in the moment! It works.” - Glamour nutritionist Rachel Beller, R.D.


Ask yourself, what Are Your Trigger Foods? Here Are Four of Mine


1. I absolutely love making cookies. How many of you out their get bored and bake? Well, that is me, baking is a fun in this house and my excuse is, I will bring over to my girls that I visit teach. But, somehow, it never gets over to them unless I take it that day. So, if I don't take it over, which honestly and subconsciously, I had no intentions of doing bringing them cookies. Selfish, I know, I just wanted "a cookie". But, somehow, I am the one who ends up eating almost a dozen and a half of cookies in three days combined with my husband and my kids!!!!! Wondering where all that cellulite is coming from, those cookies, brownies, or whatever it is that you bake. Do yourself a favor and cut it out for now until you can handle portions. Find another healthy sweet snack to devour that can satisfy you and if you don't want to then accept that you won't lose weight. So... you see what I am getting at? It is not good to eat these things every day. Sweets are a sometime food unlike fruits and veggies, which are an all the time food. :)


2.  Ice Cream. What woman doesn't have ice cream in the house? Again, portion control is key and if you can't hack it, then it is time to cut it. Try going for an ice cream bar that is better for you. Some brands include skinny cow and weight watchers. These are awesome! They taste so good (especially skinny cow) and are satisfying.


3. Trail mix. How many of you think that is healthy for you? Well, it is if you can again, control your portions. I love this stuff especially the chocolate lover's trail mix with chocolate chips and M & Ms. But, the chocolate is not the only reason this high cal; the nuts in it are also high cal and fat! I never would have thought! You know what to do...cut it out or portion control it. The best way to portion control is go for 1 serving of the item and if it is way to many calories then go for half a serving.


4.  Chips and Salsa. I absolutely love chips and salsa and especially when the salsa is really good! How many of you have gone to a Mexican restaurant, had basket of chips put on your table (where you can still see the oil drying off) and devour them and ask for more? I have!!!! It tastes so good that you just can't stop. Sadly, that is being out of control. Salsa is good but chips, oh the chips, is bad! Think about it, how many chips are you eating and how many chips are in the serving? How many calories are those chips? How were they prepared? The salsa is good, but the chips are bad! I feel like I get the "healthy chips" because I got them from Henry's...but they are not. Look, There are 11 small chips in a serving. For every serving, there are 140 calories, 8 grams of fat, and 0 grams of protein (not filling at all, just empty calories). Imagine eating about double that at a restaurant because they are fried and not baked! Yikes!!!! Eat the basket with your family and don't get anymore, if you can't hack it, then cut it!


Think about what your triggers are and why they are so good. Do you really want to lose weight? What can you do to manage your intake? Do you need to cut it out of your diet for now? How can you be strong while eating out? Make a commitment to yourself that you will do all you can to cut it out or control your intake and stick to your commitment. You are strong and you can do it!

1 comment:

  1. This is so what I need to work on! And, is SO HARD!!!!!

    I agree, though...the times that I have just eliminated my favorites, are the times I do better...

    ...too bad I love food so much!!!!! (:
