Hi Everyone!
My name is Marissa Acker and I have reached my max! I am 24 and have two children and from the time I have been married (5 years). My current weight is 181 and I used to weigh 135. I have gained the grand total of 36 pounds! I gained 10 my freshmen year of college (a year before I was married), which brings me to 46 whopping, pounds. Ouch, it hurts to say it, but I have come a final end and have decided that a size 12 is unacceptable especially when I was a size 4/6. I love food so much that I have let it take control of me and I feel that it is time to say good-bye to all the fat. I need to find the joy in being healthy and I know that I can do it. I know how to lost weight because I have done it before. When I got pregnant, I stopped caring, but if you keep a regimen you do see results. I have to tell myself that all the time. I lose hope especially when the pounds are not coming off as fast as I want them to be. It is time to care and it is time to be healthy. My body should never have to be at risk for health, I am way to young! I will be journaling about the things I eat, the exercise I do and the of course the bad days where I stress and lose self control. Yes, that is right the ups and the downs of weight loss. So Goodbye yummy fatty burritos and delicious sweets and here comes a healthy lifestyle that allows me to eat these things in moderation and be joyous. I hope to blog as often as I can. Daily affirmations, challenging workouts, and exercise tips. I will weigh in twice a week. Pictures will accompany each monthly progress post.

Marissa!!!!!! I'm so glad you've made this blog!!! What a great (and daring) idea! I'm totally going to follow it...maybe you can inspire me to make my own plan! (P.S. You look great now, and then! Lucky!)
ReplyDeleteThanks Jenna, so sweet! I am so glad that you are enjoying the blog! It has inspired me as well!