Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Challenging workout of the day
Monday, November 2, 2009
Challenging work out of the day
First Day of Detox
Sunday, November 1, 2009
So Tired!!!!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I ran my first 5k!
Sat, 10/17/09, I ran my very first 5k. This was such an accomplishment. I felt like I had completed something that was so important to me. I am so addicted! I want to run more races…perhaps a 10k in the near future. I was so nervous the week prior. I was worried about so much, my weight (heavy on my body), being in enough shape (did I train hard enough), if I was going to not make through the finish line (would I be too tired?), and most of all walking during the race. I wanted to run the full race and I had to mentally prepare my mind that three miles was not a lot, I could make it to the finish line. All of these thoughts ran through my head that week and I had to overcome the negative ones to feel like I could run the race at the best to my ability. A part of me wanted to skip out! However, I psyched myself out and kept telling myself I could do it. As I arrived I was by myself and an hour early, so I had some time to reflect on my run. I had some time to warm up, get my blood flowing, and heart rate up a bit which helped for the run. People were casual and nice. The competitive itching to race runners stayed in the front…it was nice to stay in a group at my own pace. If I had been up front I would have been compelled to run just as fast as them and probably would have been too tired to complete the race. I started at a slow pace, stayed focused, listened to good music, and kicked up my pace every .5 mile and had a strong finish for the last mile. After I completed the race I thought, “That was easy!” It was fun and accomplishing at the same time. I know I can do it, I know I can run and if I can then so can you! Don’t ever say that you can’t do something especially if you don’t try. It is worth every minute of having that feeling of accomplishment. It is not only about how much weight you lost, it is also about your health and your body. They both deserve to be happy too!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Challenging workout of the day
Welcome Back!
Boy does it feel to be back! My life has been in complete and utter chaos from the time I took a hiatus and still is. One might wonder...How can a person still lose weight when their life is entirely stressed? To be honest, it wasn’t easy. Some of the hardest things were not being able to blog about what I was eating or being able to count my calories and most of all, it was hard not to eat my feelings. I don’t know about you, but when I am stressed out, I just want to eat and eat and eat! For the most part, I did measure my portions, chose healthier foods, exercise and hope for the best. I did end up losing 4 pounds which was so great considering that I was trying to maintain my weight and not lose any. In a time of stress, it is hard to even think of losing weight, I don’t even think your body can handle that unless you are starving because you are stressed. Packing, taking care of two small children, and moving across the country was a challenge however, we did make it through and I made it through four pounds lighter! Some tips I have learned:
1. When you are traveling, you can’t cook your own food. It is impossible. Try to choose a place to eat that has some healthy menu items. I know, I know...you are going to want a hamburger rather than a salad. Try half a hamburger with a salad. Think about what you are eating. Is that entire ramekin of ranch dressing with those French fries worth all the calories? What is in it that can’t possibly be good for you?
2. Don’t even think about losing weight when you are in a time of stress and traveling. Maintaining your weight is key. When you have the time to relax and fully challenge yourself then you can worry about losing weight. It helps to be in the right frame of mind when you are trying to lose weight. Trying to maintain the weight you have lost is a challenge within itself!
3. Remember...losing weight is not hard, when you think it is, it will be. Make exercise a part of your life. Don’t think about “dieting”. Think about being healthier. :)
P.S . There will be some changes to the blog. Instead of a daily affirmation, I think it might help if I journal about how I felt that day or what cravings I had and if I defeated them or not. I will no longer post an exercise tip of the day, but I will post a challenging workout of the day and will continue to have thought of the week and “the numbers” every Friday. :) I think balance is key and I don’t want to overload myself with blogging or else I will dread it.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
I gained five pounds?!?!?!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Challenging workout of the day
Exercise tip of the day
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Numbers
Waist Circumference: 30"
Hip Circumference: 34 "
Left: 22.5"
Right 22.5"
Thought of the week
We all have at least a few fleeting moments of inspiration where we want to improve our lives and during which we feel capable of positive change. Motivation is easy at the beginning of any new job or task. (In this case it's about health, but wanting a leaner body and better health through diet and exercise is really a metaphor for wanting a better life.) But sustaining it is another matter. Here's the trick. (Glamour Magazine)
I justly believe that the only true and lasting source of motivation must come from within you. Outside stimulus can't provide you with reason enough to continue healthy habits for a lifetime. I mean, sure, you might see a picture of Madonna's rock-hard 50-year-old body and feel inspired to hit the gym that day--which is great. But what about the day after that, and the year after that? To begin finding your true inner, lasting motivation to get healthy, grab some paper or a journal and a pen and answer these questions, here are some of mine:
1. What do I want to change? Be specific.
I want to change the way I eat. Fast food is NOT ok and I need to come to terms with that. I need to know that My body is sacred and when I put nasty things in them, it affects the way I think, act, and feel. I want to be healthy because I want to be happy with myself. When I look in the mirror, I want to know that My body is healthy and I want to feel good about what I see, not feel guilty for eating Taco Bell. I want my family to eat better and I know that when I start cooking better, they will soon come along. Bad food is Bad for you, It is not ok to be overweight and unhealthy!
I want to live long to see my kids grow up and my grandkids grow up. I know that if I take care of myself now I can do that. God gave me this body and I know he expects me to take care of it! I would not be doing him any good if I just let it go, how would I better my family If something happened because I didn't take care of myself?
I know that If I take care of my body, I will be happier. I will feel better and so will my family. When we change the way we eat and add more exercise, it just makes us feel healthier. I know it is so hard to feel motivated but, my family is my motivation. My daughter Maleelah always asks, "Mommy why are you going to the gym?" and I reply, "Maleelah, do you want a healthy mommy or an unhealthy mommy?" and she says, "I want a healthy mommy so that I can play with her!" Already, we set the example; if we eat badly our kids will eat badly. If we don't exercise, our kids won't exercise. They watch our every move. It is important for them to know that taking care of our bodies is what is important!
I am willing to sacrifice my time for more exercise. It feels good when I do. Yeah, I don't get as much "me time" But if you look at it his way, our me time is when we exercise and when we exercise we are happy and feel accomplished. Better than sitting in a salon or watching TV! I am willing to sacrifice baking all the time! I love to bake, however, my hips don't! It will all be worth it in the end.
Your answers might be as profound as living long enough to see your grandchildren graduate from college, or as frivolous as rocking a bikini on your summer vacation. It doesn't matter how deep or how seemingly shallow your answers might be--they're yours and as long as it's important to you that's all that matters!
Now, the next time you are about to throw in the towel, I want you to go back and look at this journal entry of yours. Remind yourself of what it is you are fighting for and put things in perspective. I don't love working out and I hate broccoli, but I tolerate them because I know the ultimate goal is worth it. What's worth it to you?
How about you? What was the turning point that made you decide to live healthier and more active lifestyle? Was it something serious, like a health scare, or simply not fitting into your favorite jeans? And what changes did you make? Did you give up soda or move the television out of your bedroom? Did you commit to working out a certain number of times a week, or purchase a piece of fitness equipment? They’re all significant changes, big or small, so please, do share! (glamour magazine)
Affirmation of the day
challenging workout of the day
Exercise tip of the day
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Exercise tip of the day
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Challenging workout of the day
Exercise tip of the day
Monday, June 22, 2009
Challenging workout of the day
Exercise tip of the day
Monday: exercise tip of the day -
Welcome Back!! I Lost 10 Ibs!!!!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Out of Town
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Monthly progress
This past month, I have worked out moderately, about 5-6 days a week, and I feel great! I love to work out, I feel like I have so much more energy. But, I do kind of feel like I am in a gym rut. I am going to start working out outside at least twice a week; I think it may get me out of my rut. Also, I may need to detox. My body is full of horrible toxins (from eating fast food and sweets) and I have noticed that I have been hitting somewhat of a plateaus. Normally you would push through that if you have been eating healthy normally, but I did not detox before I started a healthy lifestyle, leaving my body unpurified and an increase of cravings for bad food.
The purpose of detoxing is to purify and cleanse your body. It will change your eating habits and will get rid of all the toxins that are harming your body causing it to not lose the weight.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Challenging workout of the day
Exercise tip of the day
8. Triceps kickback
The faux pas Swinging your upper arm, dropping your opposite shoulder, trying to lift your arm and the weight too high behind you The facts When you make any of these mistakes, your triceps aren't sufficiently challenged, and you also may place stress on your shoulder and elbow joints.
The fix Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and stand to the right of the long side of a bench, feet hip-width apart or in a staggered stance. (You also can kneel on the bench with your left knee.) Flex forward at hips at about 90 degrees, and place left hand on bench for support. Keeping torso stationary, bend right elbow so upper arm is parallel to ground and forearm is perpendicular to ground, palm facing in. Position elbow close to waist and contract abs. Keeping upper arm still, use triceps to straighten arm behind you until end of dumbbell points down (shown). Slowly bend elbow to return to perpendicular position. Strengthens triceps
9. Crunch
The faux pas Jerking your neck, not lifting shoulders, failing to engage abs The facts These mistakes will result in a sore neck, and your abs won't get any firmer.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Exercise tip of the day
6. Squat
The faux pas Letting your knees shoot ahead of your toes, lifting your heels, dropping your knees inward The facts These mistakes place excess pressure on the tendons and ligaments of the knee.
The fix Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet hip-width apart, legs straight but not locked, chest lifted, abs contracted. Keep body weight toward heels and bend knees to sit back and down, lowering thighs to as parallel a position to ground as possible, torso erect and knees aligned with ankles (shown). Straighten legs to stand back up. Strengthens buttocks, quadriceps and hamstrings
7. Bent-over lat row
The faux pas Rounding your spine and not flexing from your hips, pulling the weights up too far behind you The facts These mistakes place stress on your spine and reduce the demand on your back muscles, making the move less effective.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Challenging workout of the day
Exercise tip of the day
4. The faux pas Coasting on your cardio
The facts Sticking with the same aerobic workout can sabotage your results as much as pushing too hard. To truly boost your fitness (which enables you to burn more calories with less effort), you need to venture outside your comfort zone a couple of times a week, to the point where you're somewhat winded and can feel your heart pounding.
The fix Instead of zoning out or doing moderate-intensity cardio all the time, mix in some high-intensity intervals twice a week. For instance, after warming up for 10 minutes on the treadmill, increase the speed or incline for 30 seconds to 1 minute, then recover with 1–3 minutes of easy-to-moderate exercise. Keep alternating for 10–20 minutes, then cool down. You also may want to do longer high-intensity intervals -- say, 5 minutes -- where you don't push quite as hard as you do on the shorter ones.
5. The faux pas Lifting the wrong amount of weight
The facts If you lift weights that are too light, you won't see improvements in strength, tone or bone density. If you lift weights that are too heavy, you'll compromise proper form, increasing your injury risk. You'll also be forced to recruit additional muscles, for instance, using your entire body to complete a biceps curl, thus cheating the targeted muscles of a good workout.
The Numbers
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Challenging workout of the day
Thought of the week
You know the classic “Nobody can eat just one” potato-chip ads? For some women, when it comes to chips or cookies or, say, even nuts, that is the absolute truth. “I see my clients struggle with this all the time—there are one or two foods that they really can’t control the portion size of, no matter how good their intentions are or how strong their motivation,” says Beller. “For some of my clients, it’s peanut butter or nuts. For others, it’s ice cream or chocolate. I never want to suggest cutting out foods altogether—let alone something you really love. But if you have a food that you know you’ll just endlessly eat, it might be a good idea to skip it for now, even if it is a healthy food.” It sounds scary to go without a favorite food for any period of time, but the fact is, the craving usually fades after two weeks, says Beller. And by then, you’ll be feeling so great about all your progress; you’ll have excellent motivation to keep going! “Once you feel like you’ve got the whole eating-healthy thing down and your weight loss is on track, then try adding it back in again. Trust me, avoiding your personal trigger foods is easier than trying to fight them in the moment! It works.” - Glamour nutritionist Rachel Beller, R.D.
Ask yourself, what Are Your Trigger Foods? Here Are Four of Mine
1. I absolutely love making cookies. How many of you out their get bored and bake? Well, that is me, baking is a fun in this house and my excuse is, I will bring over to my girls that I visit teach. But, somehow, it never gets over to them unless I take it that day. So, if I don't take it over, which honestly and subconsciously, I had no intentions of doing bringing them cookies. Selfish, I know, I just wanted "a cookie". But, somehow, I am the one who ends up eating almost a dozen and a half of cookies in three days combined with my husband and my kids!!!!! Wondering where all that cellulite is coming from, those cookies, brownies, or whatever it is that you bake. Do yourself a favor and cut it out for now until you can handle portions. Find another healthy sweet snack to devour that can satisfy you and if you don't want to then accept that you won't lose weight. So... you see what I am getting at? It is not good to eat these things every day. Sweets are a sometime food unlike fruits and veggies, which are an all the time food. :)
2. Ice Cream. What woman doesn't have ice cream in the house? Again, portion control is key and if you can't hack it, then it is time to cut it. Try going for an ice cream bar that is better for you. Some brands include skinny cow and weight watchers. These are awesome! They taste so good (especially skinny cow) and are satisfying.
3. Trail mix. How many of you think that is healthy for you? Well, it is if you can again, control your portions. I love this stuff especially the chocolate lover's trail mix with chocolate chips and M & Ms. But, the chocolate is not the only reason this high cal; the nuts in it are also high cal and fat! I never would have thought! You know what to do...cut it out or portion control it. The best way to portion control is go for 1 serving of the item and if it is way to many calories then go for half a serving.
4. Chips and Salsa. I absolutely love chips and salsa and especially when the salsa is really good! How many of you have gone to a Mexican restaurant, had basket of chips put on your table (where you can still see the oil drying off) and devour them and ask for more? I have!!!! It tastes so good that you just can't stop. Sadly, that is being out of control. Salsa is good but chips, oh the chips, is bad! Think about it, how many chips are you eating and how many chips are in the serving? How many calories are those chips? How were they prepared? The salsa is good, but the chips are bad! I feel like I get the "healthy chips" because I got them from Henry's...but they are not. Look, There are 11 small chips in a serving. For every serving, there are 140 calories, 8 grams of fat, and 0 grams of protein (not filling at all, just empty calories). Imagine eating about double that at a restaurant because they are fried and not baked! Yikes!!!! Eat the basket with your family and don't get anymore, if you can't hack it, then cut it!
Exercise tip of the day
2. The faux pas Performing your reps too quickly
The facts If you zoom through your repetitions when strength training, you'll be using momentum instead of muscle power. You won't get the same stimulus for muscle building, and you won't burn as many calories. You'll also be more susceptible to training injuries such as torn muscles or connective tissue.
The fix Take 6 seconds to perform each repetition: 2 seconds to lift the weight and 4 seconds to lower it. (Since you have gravity to help you lower the weight, you need to slow down even more on this phase in order to give your muscles a sufficient challenge.) Our experts agree that slowing down is the single most significant change you can make to get better results from strength training.
3. The faux pas Exercising too hard, too often
The facts If you don't rest enough between hard cardio or strength workouts, you'll stop making progress and may even lose some of the fitness you've gained. You're also likely to burn out on exercise.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
I love vacation but I don't like...

Monday, May 25, 2009
Exercise tip of the day
This week the exercise tip of the day will be the 10 reasons your workouts aren't working. This article had some great tips from shape magazine.
Challenging workout of the day
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Affirmation of the day
"The more I like myself the more others like themselves."
"Nothing is too good for me as a child of God. I deserve the best!"
Exercise tip of the day
Sphere Medicine ball
$25 to $70; SPRI.com
What it is A total-body toning tool, usually color-coded by weight (2 to 18 pounds). Opt for a rubber one so you can bounce it, allowing a wider variety of moves.
Why it works Throwing the ball develops muscles’ explosive power by recruiting different fibers than lifting dumbbells. The payoff? Speedy arm sculpting!
Move to try With feet hip-width apart, knees bent, raise a 6-pounder overhead. Slam it to the floor and catch at chest level as you squat. Do three sets of 10 reps
- Lix Miersch
I have one of these in 8 Ibs, when I had a trainer, he made me do abs with these. I tossed it back to him as I was coming up. It was killer, I wanted to kill him, but my abs were starting to develop faster than doing cruches. Have someone toss it to you and for you to toss back or just get a recreation ball and lay flat, hold to your chest, and do abs on the ball. It will burn, trust me! I got my at walmart for $15.00
**Bonus: It tricks areas that you haven not worked on especially when you do the same workout all the time, this will define areas that have been neglected. **