Friday, June 26, 2009

Thought of the week

Who or What Inspires You to Be Healthy?
We all have at least a few fleeting moments of inspiration where we want to improve our lives and during which we feel capable of positive change. Motivation is easy at the beginning of any new job or task. (In this case it's about health, but wanting a leaner body and better health through diet and exercise is really a metaphor for wanting a better life.) But sustaining it is another matter. Here's the trick. (Glamour Magazine)
I justly believe that the only true and lasting source of motivation must come from within you. Outside stimulus can't provide you with reason enough to continue healthy habits for a lifetime. I mean, sure, you might see a picture of Madonna's rock-hard 50-year-old body and feel inspired to hit the gym that day--which is great. But what about the day after that, and the year after that? To begin finding your true inner, lasting motivation to get healthy, grab some paper or a journal and a pen and answer these questions, here are some of mine:

1. What do I want to change? Be specific.
I want to change the way I eat. Fast food is NOT ok and I need to come to terms with that. I need to know that My body is sacred and when I put nasty things in them, it affects the way I think, act, and feel. I want to be healthy because I want to be happy with myself. When I look in the mirror, I want to know that My body is healthy and I want to feel good about what I see, not feel guilty for eating Taco Bell. I want my family to eat better and I know that when I start cooking better, they will soon come along. Bad food is Bad for you, It is not ok to be overweight and unhealthy!
2. Why do I want to change it?
I want to live long to see my kids grow up and my grandkids grow up. I know that if I take care of myself now I can do that. God gave me this body and I know he expects me to take care of it! I would not be doing him any good if I just let it go, how would I better my family If something happened because I didn't take care of myself?
3. What will the benefits of making this change be to my body and to mylife?
I know that If I take care of my body, I will be happier. I will feel better and so will my family. When we change the way we eat and add more exercise, it just makes us feel healthier. I know it is so hard to feel motivated but, my family is my motivation. My daughter Maleelah always asks, "Mommy why are you going to the gym?" and I reply, "Maleelah, do you want a healthy mommy or an unhealthy mommy?" and she says, "I want a healthy mommy so that I can play with her!" Already, we set the example; if we eat badly our kids will eat badly. If we don't exercise, our kids won't exercise. They watch our every move. It is important for them to know that taking care of our bodies is what is important!
4. What am I willing to sacrifice to make this change happen?
I am willing to sacrifice my time for more exercise. It feels good when I do. Yeah, I don't get as much "me time" But if you look at it his way, our me time is when we exercise and when we exercise we are happy and feel accomplished. Better than sitting in a salon or watching TV! I am willing to sacrifice baking all the time! I love to bake, however, my hips don't! It will all be worth it in the end.
Your answers might be as profound as living long enough to see your grandchildren graduate from college, or as frivolous as rocking a bikini on your summer vacation. It doesn't matter how deep or how seemingly shallow your answers might be--they're yours and as long as it's important to you that's all that matters!
Now, the next time you are about to throw in the towel, I want you to go back and look at this journal entry of yours. Remind yourself of what it is you are fighting for and put things in perspective. I don't love working out and I hate broccoli, but I tolerate them because I know the ultimate goal is worth it. What's worth it to you?
How about you? What was the turning point that made you decide to live healthier and more active lifestyle? Was it something serious, like a health scare, or simply not fitting into your favorite jeans? And what changes did you make? Did you give up soda or move the television out of your bedroom? Did you commit to working out a certain number of times a week, or purchase a piece of fitness equipment? They’re all significant changes, big or small, so please, do share! (glamour magazine)

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