Thursday, April 8, 2010


Have you ever felt like your life is in chaos?!?! Well…that happens to be mine right now. Between working out, being mom, and wife, there seems to be no time left in the day! I have found that protein shakes have become my next best friend! Great for breakfast which is when I seem to always be in a hurry, with the thkid’s breakfast has become more challenging. Running has gotten more challenging. I love the run however; I cannot wait to race the half marathon. What’s in store for me next? I am sure…maybe a full marathon.

Food tip of the day

DIETING SUCKS!!! Right? Here is a suggestion, stop DIETING! We are changing our lifestyle towards better health. Losing weight is a great benefit to this change. When we think of dieting, we think of restrictions and then we feel deprived and sometimes guilty. STOP FEELING THAT WAY!!! It is ok, really, it is! You want Chocolate? Have it, just remember to have it in moderation. When we are “healthy”, our bodies don’t even want large quantities of sugar. Enjoy the small portions, trust me, you will feel better in the end J

Challenging workout of the week

Try circuit training. Burn more calories by tricking your heart rate! Jog /walk/bike/elliptical for 30 minutes then lift weights at three sets of 15 (or whatever is more challenging to you) lifting weights should take 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat the cycle till you have reached 90 minutes of cardio and 45 minutes of weights. This should be a challenge but it is well worth the workout! You’ll be sweating in no time.