Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I ran 3 miles yesterday and it was pretty easy to do. I did it at a slower pace than race pace so that I could build up my stamina. The first mile warm up is always pretty hard for me but after that I just start to enjoy running and I just feel like I could run forever! I love running, it is such a wonderful sport. I am a stay at home mom so getting out and running is everything to me. I can think, get out my frustrations, and I can gather my thoughts without other others talking to me, I love it! Today was a pretty mellow day. I took it easy and rested. I was pretty tired because I went to sleep pretty late, never do that, it is not worth staying up late if you have to get up early. It just throws off your clock and you become tired and lathergic, especially if you have small kids running around. I also ate pretty well except for the fact that we ran out of veggies today and I was to lazy to go to the store, so we ate carbs and protein but no veggies or fruit! I am horrible. I guess I can think of this as my junk food day. I am out of town tommorow so hopefully I can get some fruit and veggies in my system. :) Cheers to a better tommorow!

Challenging workout of the day

Add more time to your workout. If you run 2 miles easy try running 3 instead. Increase your time and stamina! Build up your strength and become strong!