Saturday, January 30, 2010


So I know...I promised I was going to blog more...I know, I have been horrible! It has been almost a month since I have blogged but, I do have good reason. My wonderful playful son broke my keyboard on my lap top and left me stranded without a computer! My computer is still in the shop but, I have gotten a very long ethernet cord and have connected my desktop to the internet! Thank goodness...I was starting to lose it not having a computer! It is great to be back.

I have started my training for the half-marathon and It is going well. In November I kind of fell off the deep end with running and eating right and just let stress take the best of me. It really did not feel good letting that happen. I felt out of control and it was an odd feeling for me. It feels good to be in control of my body, it really helps me stay focused.

Since I have been back from my California vacation, I have been stuck with 9Ibs to lose and the start of running ALL over again. I basically took a month off running because life was just way to hectic to run, how I let that happen...I am not sure, but it did. It was frustrating when I started running again. I had lost all of what I had worked for....really, in just a month I had went from 7 miles to nothing! When I started running again I could barely run 2 miles! Sad, I know, but its good to be running again. The first week was a struggle and a bit discouraging, all I wanted to do was go home and eat! I barely ran 4 miles that week. Then, I got a runner's log, a lifesaver, this thing is awesome. It gets me excited to run. I plan my speed workouts, my easy runs and my outdoor runs. I end with notes and how I felt. It gets me so excited to run! I also have a food journal. I needed this because I had lost control of portions and I had to figure out how much I was eating and why I had gained the weight in the first place and what I had to change in my newly created bad habits.

This week I will be starting week 4 in my running long and to date I have ran 20 miles total! Awesome! I can not wait to see what it will look like when I am done training for the half-marathon. Before the half-marathon, my goal is to run a 5 k and a 10 k to get those race jitters out of the way. I also started doing Bikram Yoga (Hot yoga). I absoluetly love it! It is about 105 degrees in the room and with that heat we do various poses that really warms the body to get a deeper stretch. I feel great afterwards!

My last biggest accomplishment that I have achieved is learning to say NO to the bad influences. I feel like I have over come this and I am just so proud of myself. My husband is a bad influence, he eats horribly. He has at least 3 sweets a day. I have learned to say, "NO thankyou", unless It is my lady time, I say it politely but firmly and I just think about the end results. I feel the "bad food" especially when I do yoga. It helps me stay in tune with my body. It just makes it harder to run and do yoga when I eat bad. In the end, it really isn't worth all the calories, weight gain, and gross body feelings. I hope your week went well. Stay tuned for more next week!

*Please if you have any comments or questions, leave a comment below*
- Marissa

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